Our unique patented design allows us to generate intense microwave fields over a small volume of flowing liquid allowing us to achieve incredible microwave effects.

Microwave juice pasteurisation

Proven technology at every scale

The continuous flow microwave technology has been developed for over 15 years and has been deployed at lab, pilot, small production and industrial scale (between 50l/hr up to 12,500 l/hr). All our systems are based on the same core modular design helping to minimise any scale-up issues.

At all scales the only requirements for our technology are that the material undergoing microwave treatment needs to be pumpable, and the fluid must have a high enough di-electric constant to interact with the microwave field (water based streams are perfect).

Advanced microwave technology designs

Built to your needs

We work with you to specify equipment that fits your process. We have both the expertise and partners to give you a complete processing setup including:

  • The right heat recovery exchangers

  • Pumping and pipework systems

  • A PLC specified to your needs

  • Integration with your SCADA/DCS system

  • Offsite remote diagnostics systems

Alternatively if you don't require a complete end to end solution we are also able to provide just our microwave technology constructed to your specification.

Industrial microwave safety systems

Safety always comes first

We know for all our customers safety always comes first, and it does for us too. We build all our microwave systems to beat both the stringent EU and international radiation leakage regulations by at least an order of magnitude. We even work with independent certification engineers to verify this on each and every one of industrial systems.

On top of this all our microwaves have interlock control fitted to all doors and access panels. This means if anyone tries to access the machine during operation it will automatically shut down preventing any potential exposure. We can also work to build in temperature and pressure limits for your process right into the PLC of our machine. This means if something happens up/downstream, the microwave can automatically power down until the disturbance is dealt with.


Max Operating Conditions

The maximum processing temperature of our microwave systems is 140°C and the maximum pressure is 15 bar.

Maintenance Training

Our engineers can train your staff to perform basic maintenance for our systems using standardised parts. Alternatively we offer service packages that can fit your shutdown schedules.

Small Equipment Footprint

Our designs offer a compact and intensified heating solution. Even our biggest machines capable of processing many tonnes of material every hour take up less than 50m2 floorspace.